Saturday 26 May 2012

Hiatus, Folks...

I'm going to keep this blog quiet for roughly a month. I'm leaving school forever in only a couple of weeks before my long summer begins and I'm at my busiest weeks. I've got exams to work on; and a lot of revision/studying to do. I don't have time for blogging but with all my studying and exams; blogging is very unimportant. After I've got all my exams and tests completed; (around late June) that's me relaxed for a few months with no work and I will return to the blog before you know it. This blog may be updated around June 22th or later; as my final exam is on that date. Enjoy those quiet weeks, while I'll be hard at work...

Enjoy the screengrab from 'Cheese Chasers'; watch some cartoons for me. Before I leave; comment on who the animator of that scene is; I don't know who it is...


  1. very understandable hope everything goes well for you...

  2. Good luck with the exams, Steven. Since even a blog that one is way too damn lazy to write takes time and effort, I'm tempted to go on hiatus as well.

  3. Thanks Paul, also - I'm getting slightly tired of reviewing cartoons that just "gradually" get better such as with Tex's cartoons and Friz's - I'm hoping to get to 1938 soon where I can review Tex's travelogue parodies and other cartoons that are more interesting...

    1. By my count, Steve, you'ra almost exactly one-sixth of the way through the entire set. Enjoy your break, and remember, the next two-thirds of the viewings get a lot better...

  4. yes I hope you do well on your exams and enjoy some time off!

  5. Good luck, Steven. I understand you, becasue right now I have EXAMS TOO!

  6. Good luck on your exams, Steve. And have a happy summer.

  7. Good Luck, and waiting till you can continue the blog...Steve C.:)
